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Soccertable F-20

Garlando F-20 are designed to be as space-saving as possible with its foldable legs.
The soccertable features plastic handles, playfield of laminate, solid goingthrough rods and internal 6257420
  • 1460.00USD
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Garlando F-20 are designed to be as space-saving as possible with its foldable legs.
The soccertable features plastic handles, playfield of laminate, solid goingthrough rods and internal goalbox. The Garlando F-20 also features 360 degrees rotating goalkeeper and comes with 10 balls.

The soccertable is ideal for the family or person who do not want the soccertable to be kept installed at all times.

Cabinet thickness: 16 mm.
Outer meassures: 140 x 66 x 86 cm.
Playfield meassures: 117 x 64 cm.

Download assembly instruction

Before you buy:Soccertables from A to Z